Adult Awards

Questions? Ready to turn in your applications? Contact Sandy Vo at and she will be more then happy to help

Adult Awards and Recognition

Click below for the forms and send it to Sandy Vo or bring it to roundtable.

Dead Line is February 19, 2023.

Unit Exceptional Scouter Award form

Cubmaster of the year form

Scoutmaster of the year form

Crew Advisor of the year form

Venture Crew Advisor of the year form

District of Merit form


“The real way to gain happiness is to give it to others.” –

Lord Baden Powell

Who said that Adults can have fun and earn a knot or award? I don’t know either, or maybe it was never said! This Tab is for exactly what the title states, to recognize our Adult volunteers for the hard work and commitment they provide to this amazing movement. There are knots for Personal Achievement, Recognition, Service, Training, Religious and even one for the Professionals. Just below are helpful links to the many different awards and their applications processes. If you have any questions or you are ready to turn in your application please reach out to our districts Adult Awards chair Sandy Vo.