Court of Honor for Troop 1789

Troop 1789 Holds Court of Honor
Troop 1789 held it a Court of Honor for the first time in two years (due to Covid) to celebrate Thien Ngo earning the rank of Eagle Scout. Thien, a freshman at UC San Diego, majoring in engineering, created emergency kits for his church’s confirmation classroom. These kits are located the front door to provide easy access and quick recall during evacuations. The event was held at Lambertian Ministry Center in Garden Grove.
Scouts, Cub Scouts and Crew members from Troop 1789, Pack 1789 and Crew 1789, respectively, and parents attended the event, about 100 in all, to see Thien receive this hard-earned and special recognition. Troop 1789 is led by Thien’s father, Scoutmaster Tu Duong Duc Ngo, and Committee Chair, Khanhvan Thuy Le. The 1789 Scouting team also includes female Scout Troop 1789G, led by Mary-Xuan Anh Vo, and Cub Scout Pack 1789 is led by Cub Master, Jacob Huynh. Also in attendance was incoming District Chair, Mat Forester, who is an Assistant Scoutmaster at Troop 660 in Cypress. The Court of Honor opened with a posting of the U.S., South Vietnam Freedom, and Unit (Lien Doan Thang Long) flags, followed by the National and Vietnamese Scout anthems, and lastly, observed a moment of silence to remember those Vietnamese Scouts and individuals who immigrated from South Vietnam to create new lives and opportunities for future generations.
Soon to be outgoing Goldenwest District Chair, Charlie Osaki, presented the Eagle Scout Award medal and neckerchief to Thien Ngo and was assisted by Tu Duong Duc Ngo. Thien then addressed the audience to talk about the highlights of his Scouting experience, how much he had grown, skills learned and graciously thanked all of the Scouts and adult volunteers who had supported his advancement and good times in the Troop.
The Court of Honor was also part of a Pack and Troop 1789 holiday celebration which included the parents presenting gifts of appreciation to the adult leaders, and ended with a big finale including all Cub Scouts, female Scouts, male Scouts, Crew member, female adult volunteers and male adult volunteers participating in a series of song and dance routines, some traditional, others contemporary. The acts were all excellent, but the “Gangnam Style” routine set the tone for an outstanding show.
The event ended with a lunch hosted by the parents of all 1789 units and featured Vietnamese Food at its best and a chance for everyone to exchange best wished for the Holiday Season.