Merit Badge Counselors List

Published by edward on


Good afternoon scoutmasters! I want to give a huge thank you to our Merit Badge Counselor Coordination Team, we now have over 80 counselors in our district. A huge update....We will no longer be emailing out the districts merit badge counselors list to help save having to put another email in your inbox. The password locked list will now be kept on our districts website in the merit badge counselors tab of the advancement drop down menu. You can find it by clicking here

The BSA Guide to Advancement Web-Based Counselor Lists states: Give attention to protecting counselor privacy. Limit access to those who have merit badge– related responsibilities, such as advancement committee members and chairs, or unit leaders and selected assistants. Scouts should not have access. Their interaction with the Scoutmaster in discussing work on a badge, and obtaining a counselor’s name, is an important part of the merit badge plan.

The file is a PDF that is locked and I will provide only the Scoutmaster with the password. Scoutmasters should only give out the password to those adult leaders in the unit who should have it as mentioned above. If you did not receive an email from me please reach out and I will make sure to give you access. Have a great day!

–Yours in Scouting,

Edward Allen Sheely

Advancement Chair

Golden West District

Categories: GOLDEN WEST