New REQUIRED Eagle MB Effective 6.1.2022

The National Council will be introducing a new REQUIRED Eagle Merit Badge, effective June 1, 2022. It will be named “Citizenship of Society” and was created to encompass the ideals of diversity, equity, & inclusion, and is clearly aligned with the Values of Scouting.
Merit badge counselors for this merit badge are required to complete the BSA course, “Diversity, Equity, & Inclusion in Scouting.” The training takes only about 40 minutes to complete. GWD is looking forward to have a sufficient number of adults to serve as counselors in the future. GWD has the one and only merit badge counselor in the Council at the current time.
As of this posting – we do not know what the transition timeframe will be for Eagle Scout candidates in the process. We will keep you informed as soon as we are notified when this MB is mandatory.