Golden West District Camporall

Camporall 2024
OCT 18-20 2024
El Dorado Park

A Huge Success: 2024 Goldenwest District Camporall
On Friday evening, October 18th through Sunday morning, October 20th, the Goldenwest District held its annual
Camporall, a district event that features Scouts BSA Youth, Arrow of Light Scouts (5th graders) and Webelos (4th
graders) coming together for overnight camping and many other activities at the Youth Group Camping Area
inside El Dorado Park in Long Beach. This year’s theme (we always have a theme for Camporee and Camporall
because Scouts apparently like to dress up in costume) was Zombie Apocalypse, a product of the imagination of
our outstanding Camporall Chair, Dan Moran, Scoutmaster for Troop 642, in Seal Beach.
Walking into the campsite areas, it was evident that there was a vibrant feel amongst the Scouts and Webelos
stemming from everyone being engaged, active and smiling – more so than in recent memory.
Camporall got off to a tremendous start with perfect weather and just over 400 participants, a 25% increase over
last year, including 60 Webelos with Arrow of Light Scouts and 50 Webelos. Both all-boy, girl and combined
Scouting units participated in the event. Mat Forester, GWD Committee Chair and Assistant Scoutmaster of Troop
660, facilitated a merit badge workshop for “Citizenship of Society,” an Eagle-Required merit badge. Two
additional merit badges were offered for Scouts attending Camporall, Chess and Fingerprinting.
Camporall hosted two programs for the Pack youth: 1) Arrow of Light Adventures, which included four required
and six elective adventures; 2) Webelos Adventures, which also included four required and six elective
adventures. At the request of the El Dorado Park Ranger Staff, about 70 combined Webelos and AOL candidates
participated in a 2 hour service project cleaning up fishing lines and trash around the park lake.
Scout units welcomed AOLs and Webelos who ventured around the campsite to check out Scout troops and
experience the following “Scout skills activities”:
Lashings & Bowline Knot – Troop 671
Fire Starting & Safety – Troop 658
Cooking & Kitchen Knife Skills – Troop 660
First Aid – Troop 657
Flag Ceremony, plus Stronger, Faster, Higher – Troop 440
Team Building – Troop 660G
Campsite Set-up – Troop 655G
Knife Safety (before cooking) – Troop 295
El Dorado Nature Center Hike & Service Project – Troop 642
Bobcat Adventures & Estimation – Troop 270
Marcie Liu provided her outstanding meal support for both adult volunteers, Scouts and Webelos/AOL
throughout the weekend, just as she has for the past 15-plus years.
Eileen Meade headed up the Trading Post that offered snacks and treats to keep the Scouts and adults energetic
throughout the event.
A dozen adult leaders, who were free of being tied to a campsite or tied to a Camporall activity, took advantage
of the opportunity to complete BALOO training that was led by Dan Moran.
Of course, Stacy Byone, headed up the medic station and except for a few minor cuts, bruises and ankle twists,
the 2024 edition of Camporall was injury free.
Saturday’s events wrapped up with a real evening campfire in which all Scouts, Webelos and Arrow of Light
Scouts created and acted out funny and unique skits.
A special recognition to Dan Moran, Camporall Chair, and Bruce Finnsson, Program Chair, for an impeccably
planned Camporall event!