Eagle Scout Process

Questions? Contact our District Advancement Chair Tan Lu at tanl123@verizon.net and our District Eagle Coordinator Norm Herron at ofda.chairman@gmail.com
All meetings are virtual. Please reach out to the emails above to schedule an appointment with a District Eagle Advisor. We can schedule a virtual meeting via Zoom on an agreed time and date. You would email your workbook and I would share the screen and we can go through it together. If it looks like it has met the requirements for a project I will sign it and then email it back to you. Easy as pie (now I’m hungry!) Read everything carefully, talk with your family and your unit leadership and choose the best option. One way or another though, whichever option we will get you moving! At this time Eagle Board of Reviews remain to be done via Zoom.
Welcome – to your final challenges on the trail to Eagle Scout.
Your District Eagle Advisor group is here to help and guide you through the process from Life Scout through your Eagle Scout Board of Review.
Like most Scouters we are involved with family, scouting and a few other things. Working with Eagle candidates is just one of our activities. You will contact us for reviewing your project proposal, your final paperwork, and any questions in between.
Always include your name, and for Youth Protection purposes please include one or both of your parents and/or a Scout leader in any email correspondence.
Below are some links and other resources that will help you achieve your goals. We look forward to working with you and guiding you through the Eagle Scout process.
ITEM 1 – Materials and Resources
This is a Link to the BSA National Website for all of these current form
- Eagle Scout Rank Application: https://filestore.scouting.org/filestore/pdf/512-728_WB_fillable.pdf
- Eagle Scout Service Project Workbook-2021: https://filestore.scouting.org/filestore/pdf/512-927_fillable.pdf
- Confidential Appraisal form:
- Eagle Processing Checklist: https://www.ocbsa.org/wp-content/uploads/2019/11/Eagle-Scout-Processing-Checklist.pdf
- Letter to Parents: https://www.ocbsa.org/wp-content/uploads/2020/01/Letter-to-Parents.pdf
- Request for Extension of Time to Earn Eagle Scout Rank-2021: http://www.scouting.org/filestore/pdf/512-077.pdf
- Eagle Scout Service Project Fundraisers: https://www.ocbsa.org/wp-content/uploads/2019/07/Eagle-Scout-Service-Project-Fundraiser-Policy.pdf and https://eagle-scout-fundraising-form.pdffiller.com/
- Covid Eagle Projects: https://www.ocbsa.org/wp-content/uploads/2020/08/Covid-Eagle-Projects.pdf
Please review all of these documents before you do anything else. They will help you, guide you and answer most questions.
ITEM 2 – Eagle Scout Service Project Workbook
You must use this Workbook to prepare your project. (You can type directly into the Workbook then save & change.) Please READ the entire Workbook before you begin.
There are four (4) parts to the Workbook:
- Proposal – This is an overview (description) of your project. Tell us: What? Where? Why? Who for? When? How? Reason: To review and approve your concept and preliminary plan before you spend time and effort on final plan details. YOUR PROJECT AND ANY FUNDRAISER MUST BE REVIEWED AND APPROVED BEFORE YOU BEGIN ANY WORK OR FUNDRAISING.
- Fundraising Application – In O.C. a fundraising application is only needed for fundraisers and vendor contributions when the total will be over $1,000. Talk with me if you have any questions and/or if any changes occur.
- Final Plan – This is where you add all planning and development details to create a final plan. It is recommended, but not required, that you work with a Project Coach in preparing your final plan. You are now ready to start your project.
Project Report – This is a review of your experience during the project. In other words, what went right, what went wrong, and what did you learn. Complete this after you are done.
ITEM 3 – Eagle Scout Rank Application
There are seven (7) requirements for Eagle Scout. All requirements (except the Eagle Scout board of review) must be completed before your 18th birthday.
Please READ the entire Application. It will be a record of your progress. It will also guide you on the steps that must be completed.
Requirement 1 – Active in troop for 6 months after Life Scout.
Requirement 2 – This is list of individuals who are willing to provide a recommendation on your behalf. You will send / give a copy of the Eagle Scout Confidential Appraisal Letter to each of these individuals. (See ITEM 1 – #3)
Requirement 3 – There are 13 required merit badges and 8 additional merit badges required for Eagle Scout. Note: Personal Fitness and Personal Management require 90 days to complete. Plan accordingly. Use the date on the “blue” merit badge card on the application. You must cross out Eagle badges not earned where indicated.
Requirement 4 – Serve in an approved position of responsibility for 6 months or more after Life Scout. List only those positions served after Life Scout.
Requirement 5 – Plan, develop, and give leadership to others in a service project. (See ITEM 2)
Requirement 6 – Take part in a unit leader conference.
Requirement 7 – Successfully complete an Eagle Scout board of review.
Prepare and attach a statement of your ambitions and life purpose and a listing of positions held in your religious institution, school, camp, community, or other organizations, during which you demonstrated leadership skills, including honors and awards received during this service.
- You can work on your merit badges, your project, and the other requirements listed on your application all at the same time. You do not have to complete one part before starting another.
- Frequently scouts only contact an Advisor when the scout wants approval on his Project Proposal. You should talk with your Advisor when you have an idea for your project and are ready to get started. YOUR PROJECT MUST BE APPROVED BEFORE YOU BEGIN ANY WORK OR FUNDRAISING.
- Scouts often underestimate the time required to plan, develop, and carry-out their project. More often, scouts underestimate the time required to obtain approvals.
- Watch your deadlines:
- 6 months (min) between Life and Eagle
- 6 months (min) position of responsibility after Life
- 3 months for Personal Fitness, 3 months for Personal Management
- 18th birthday to complete all Eagle Scout requirements
- Send out Confidential Appraisals materials to references. Have them email their letters directly to ofda.chairman@gmail.com as a PDF attachment or or MAIL their letters back to: Norm Herron, PO Box 1717, Los Alamitos, CA 90720, to arrive prior to your Eagle Board of Review date.
- When you have completed the first six (6) requirements listed on the Eagle Scout Rank Application, then:
- Scout, Unit Leader, and Committee Chair signs the Eagle Application
- Contact your District Eagle Advisor to schedule the final application review, and to check data. Scan and send your signed application, the OCBSA merit badge report, statement of ambitions / purpose, and your completed project workbook.
- District Eagle Advisor schedules the board of review
- District Eagle Advisor group conducts Eagle Scout board of review
More Info on OCBSA Advancement Here