Merit Badge Counselors

Merit Badges
Got Questions? Contact the District Merit Badge Coordinator Rich at
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At the bottom of this page please find the latest PDF version of Golden Wests District’s list of registered and YPT compliant Merit Badge Counselors as well as other helpful documents.
The BSA Guide to Advancement Web-Based Counselor Lists states: Give attention to protecting counselor privacy. Limit access to those who have merit badge– related responsibilities, such as advancement committee members and chairs, or unit leaders and selected assistants. Scouts should not have access. Their interaction with the Scoutmaster in discussing work on a badge, and obtaining a counselor’s name, is an important part of the merit badge plan.
Want to become a Merit Badge Counselor?
Have your Troop Advancement Chair or Merit Badge Counselor Coordinator perform the following. The documents are attached at the bottom of this page for quick reference.
1. Completed BSA adult application
2. Completed Background Authorization form
3. Complete the District Merit Badge Counselor Form. (Only 6 Badges per Counselor)
If you are not registered with unit there is a $25 fee to be a Merit Badge Counselor.
4. Attach a current Youth Protection Training (YPT) Certificate
5. Attach the Merit Badge Counselor Training certificate.
6. Submit these to
All Merit Badge Counselors require training.
If the badge you are counseling requires a certification, such as shooting sports, you must include a valid copy of the certificate. The certificate needs to be resubmitted upon renewing the certificate.
DO NOT submit applications to the Council Office
What next?
Your BSA application will be signed and forwarded to OCBSA for review, check and entry.
Individuals can begin counseling Scouts under a grace period after the District Merit Badge Coordinator has sent an acknowledgement to the Troop coordinator.
Approval takes 3-4 weeks. The District Merit Badge Coordinator will advise the Troop/ Individual if there are any anomalies. Otherwise consider the application approved!
Merit Badge Counselor Training
Merit Badge Counselor training is very important!
· Provide a Scouting overview: mission, aims and methods
· Explain the merit badge program role and benefits
· Identify merit badge counselor qualifications
· How to become a counselor
· Describe the merit badge counseling process
· List the Merit badge requirements: fulfill as written
· Demonstrate effective counseling
· Discuss group instruction and camp setting instructions
To do on-line training go to Login with your credentials and click on My Dashboard.
- Choose Scouts BSA
- Click Course Catalog
- Type in Merit Badge and select the classes for merit badge counselor training
Merit Badge Days
Merit Badge Days, hosted by Scouts BSA Troops, provide Scouts with an activity-filled day combining hands-on activities, question and answer sessions, and fun projects to help Scouts earn merit badges. All Merit Badge days must be approved. Please reach out to the Merit Badge Coordination team and the Advancement Chair.
Each Merit Badge Day requires that Scouts who attend fill out and provide the “Activity Consent Form and Approval by Parents or Legal Guardian” form upon arrival of the event. Please note: some Troops will provide this form with their approved flyer so submit as directed.