Robert Hiens – Troop 314

Robert Heins, Troop 314, Midway City
Robert Heins comes from a family of Eagle Scouts. His grandfather, father, and four of his uncles are Eagle Scouts and the family legacy continues. His grandfather is also a Silver Beaver recipient. Robert graduated with Magna Cum Laude honors from Chapman University in Orange and decided to pursue his interest in the law by attending the Sandra Day O’Connor School of Law at Arizona State University. Currently, He is interning with the Department of Justice in Washington D.C.
Professionally, what are you doing to today?
I am entering my third year of law school at The Sandra Day O’Connor College of Law at Arizona State University.
Why was achieving the rank of Eagle Scout meaningful to you?
My father, uncles, and grandfather are all Eagle Scouts so joining them in becoming an Eagle Scout was something I always knew I wanted to achieve throughout my youth. This family legacy was important, but looking back over my Scouting experience, the journey ended up being more impactful on my life than I ever imagined.
What key skills did you learn in Scouting that has supported your success thus far?
Scouting taught me the importance of having goals, planning, and working towards them. Achieving the rank of Eagle Scout requires years of work and dedication towards multiple smaller goals. It’s important to have the mindset of being able to continually work towards a these goals which is essential to succeeding through three years of law school and eventually the Bar exam.
What did you learn from Scouting that impacts your everyday life?
Organization and time management is key. Any Eagle project is a significant undertaking and with so many moving parts, one has to keep organized and use their time wisely. By getting the chance to learn the importance of these skills early, I’ve been able to build up my habits and learn better skills to keep both my personal and professional lives organized.
Looking back, how did Scouting help you to get to where you are today?
As a Scout, I did things I didn’t necessarily want to do such as camping in the rain. I learned that even though I may not want to do it, I was able to get through it successfully and that the tough times don’t last forever. Things like law school and dealing with Covid-19 are rough when you are dealing with them but they will end, and you will come out the other side with new experiences and new abilities.
What was your one best memory) of Scouting?
While working on my camping merit badge with some of my friends, our final event was a six mile backpacking trip in the San Gabriel mountains. This trip was so unlike any of our pervious camping trips, and even with it pouring rain all night, it is still one of my best memories of Scouting. Teamwork seems to soften the blow of unexpected challenges. Scouting is all about teamwork and developing self-reliance.
What else would you like to add about your experience in Scouting?
As a Boy Scout, I was exposed to diverse experiences I would never have had in any other activity. I made friends with a diverse group of people, both peers and adults, who helped me along the way. It is an experience like no other and it has supported my success since leaving the Scouting program.
What advice do you have for a Scout who aspires to achieve the Eagle Scout rank?
It’s hard work to became an Eagle Scout, but it is worth all the time and effort you will put into it. You will learn skills that will last you a lifetime. You will have accomplished a huge goal that only 4% of Scouts achieve in the entire country. When life is challenging you can look at this accomplishment and know you have overcome difficult challenges before and you can do it again.
What is one thing you learned from Scouting that helped you to adapt to the challenges of the Covid-19 pandemic?”
Be prepared. Whether it’s being prepared with any supplies you need or prepared with the right mindset, remembering to be prepared has helped me continually adapt and to be successful during this time.