Rudy Solorzano III, Troop 295 Cypress

Rudy Solorzano III, Troop 295, Cypress
Rudy is a graduate of Cal State Fullerton, where he earned a Bachelor of Fine Arts in Entertainment Art & Animation. The year before Rudy earned the rank of Eagle Scout, he was one of two Scouts from the Orange County Council to attend the National Youth Leadership Experience (NYLE) at the Philmont Scout Ranch, in Cimarron, New Mexico. He was also a Senior Patrol Leader at the 2010 National Jamboree.
Professionally, what are you doing to today?
“I’m an Entertainment Trainer for the Walt Disney Company, Adjunct faculty member at California State University Fullerton, and a Video Game Developer at USC Games.”
Why was achieving the rank of Eagle Scout meaningful to you?
“Achieving the rank of Eagle Scout demonstrated to myself how important leadership is in order to get important things done and that my determination enabled me to go “above and beyond” the minimum requirement when the situation called for it.”
What key skills did you learn in Scouting that has supported your success thus far?
“Being a Senior Patrol Leader as well as participating in the local Orange County NYLT and national NAYLE taught me leadership skills and the willingness to go out of my comfort zone and have the tools to be successful. I became more confident and comfortable in making decisions that impacted other people.”
What did you learn from Scouting that impacts your everyday life, personally or professionally?
“There are some lessons you just do not forget. One is that I still strive to do at least one good deed daily. Being helpful towards others may only take a moment but can have a significantly positive impact on the other person’s entire day.”
Looking back, how did Scouting help you to get to where you are today?
“Scouting helped me get my job with the Walt Disney Company, since one of the other managers who interviewed me was also a Scout. This enabled us to talk about our common experiences and how they impacted our lives for the better. It also fostered my confidence and for the type of work I do, I have to be confident about turning my ideas into something tangible.”
What was your one best memory of Scouting? Why?
“Definitely, it was attending the 2010 National Jamboree at Fort A.P. Hill, in Northern Virginia, because my troop gained the reputation of being fun, honest, and competitive amongst other units from around other parts of the country and world. I just remember everyone being so excited to meet and interact with us. Also, leading a group of outstanding people, each of whom were outstanding in their own unique way, was a terrific experience. I often reflect on that experience. Being surrounded by outstanding people only makes you better.“
What else would you like to add about your experience in Scouting?
“More than anything, Scouting has taught me to be friendly towards others at all times. Whether at work or engaged in a personal activity, people respond favorably if you are friendly and encouraging. Simply smiling while helping someone goes a long way and it may also propel you into your career. It certainly helped get me started in mine”
What advice do you have for a Scout who aspires to achieve the Eagle Scout rank?“
Professional and personal goals are accomplished when we fulfill small accomplishments every day. Don’t forget to fulfill those small accomplishments!”